Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

Continental Connector is being developed by Grid United, an independent transmission company. Grid United’s mission is to modernize the United States’ electric grid to create a more resilient and efficient electric system that takes advantage of the nation’s abundant and geographically dispersed generation resources to the benefit of all consumers. The Grid United team is comprised of energy professionals with extensive experience in developing, designing, permitting and constructing large-scale linear infrastructure across North America.

Continental Connector will benefit customers by linking regions with different and complementary generation profiles. Linking geographically and meteorologically diverse markets will enhance and strengthen the ability for those markets to balance supply and demand during times of scarcity, protecting consumers from high power prices.

Continental Connector will be up to 500 miles long, linking infrastructure in Santa Fe County, New Mexico to that in Ford County, Kansas. Converter stations will be constructed near each endpoint to convert between AC and DC energy, allowing for more efficient and reliable transmission. The route is still being developed and will not be finalized until input has been received from landowners, communities, and local, state and federal government officials.

Direct current is the preferred technology for moving large amounts of power over long distances, offering significant electrical, economic and environmental advantages. Direct current transmission is the only technology that allows connecting two grids and can transfer the same amount of power more efficiently and more reliably than alternating current. Direct current advantages include lower power losses on the line, the ability to control the power flow, and more efficient land use due to reduced right-of-way footprint compared to alternating current projects moving the same amount of power.

Multiple permits and approvals may be required prior to construction, including state regulatory approvals, land use permits, highway crossing permits, and construction stormwater permits. We will coordinate with local, state and federal permitting authorities to determine all permits required over the course of the project.

Yes. We will acquire easements, but the land will still belong to the landowners and can be utilized for activities such as farming, grazing cattle and other activities that do not interfere with the operation of the line. 

The Continental Connector team will be talking directly with stakeholders along the route individually. Additionally, there will be opportunities for public input on anticipated impacts during the permit approval processes. If you would like to get in touch with the Continental Connector team, contact us